Dance Leads to Chaos
Magan-djin (Brisbane)
Dance Leads to Chaos is an artistic exploration of what it means to have dance restricted, regulated, and removed from our lives. The work gathers inspiration globally from historic bans on dance and artistic expression to silence and control. Dance Leads To Chaos leans into the recent experience of Australians during the COVID-19 dance restrictions and reminds us that this has happened before to First Nations people, and other cultures around the world. Part dance work, part public service announcement, it creates a space to debrief with audiences and reevaluate the significance of dance.
This new dance/theatre work has been supported for 2 Creative Developments by Metro Arts and is not set to premier in 2025 with the support of Creative Australia. This project has a multi dimensional cast that includes a creative team, collaborative partners, core cast and community cast. Our collaborative partners include The First Creatives and Let's Go Support Services.
Creative Team
Allirah Fisher - Co-Director, Marketing & Cultural Consultant
Erika Jayne Goldsmith - Co-Director & Co-Producer
Jordan Poitras - Technical Production
Kalpana Prasad - Co-Director & Co-Producer
Zoe Bauer - Community Coordinator & Cast Wellbeing